It is the primary purpose of this report to interpret and make record of test
operation data and experience which will be of greatest use to those responsi-

ble for the continued maintenance and development of the proving ground. More
specifically, the report has been compiled with a view toward its reference

value to the Atomic Energy Commission. Although this report is supplemental

in nature to the more comprehensive reports prepared by the Commander,

Joint Task Force SEVEN for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it is intendedto be complete to the extent required in the satisfactory attainment of its aims.
The entire report is comprised of three principal parts.

Part I presents

a general over-all concept of the Operation from the AEC Santa Fe Operations
point of view and includes recommendations for future operations; PartII is
the scientific version of the Operation's aims and accomplishments as pre*

sented by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) and the University of

California Radiation Laboratory (UCRL); Part III presents the managerial or
administrative aspects of the Operation. For a more comprehensiveaccount
of the LASL participation in the Operation, reference is made tothe Report of

the Commander, Task Group 7.1 for Operation CASTLE. Detailed coverage of
the Contractor's activities may be found in the Completion Report for Operation CASTLE as prepared by Holmes & Narver, Inc.






The Atomic. Energy,Commission's Pacifié Proving Ground (PPG) ,;com-

prises Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls in the Marshall Islands.

Prior to the first

CASTLE shot the water area surrounding these atolls and bounded by Lat:

12° 45'N on the North, Long. 166° 16' E on the East, Lat. 10° 15' N on the

South, and Long. 160° 35' E on the West was establishedas a danger area,

and unauthorized entrance by wateror air was prohibited. The far-reaching
fall-out effects occasioned by the first CASTLE shot prompted an immediate
enlargement of the danger area for the balance of the Operation. The modified danger area is described as a circular segment centered at Lat. 12° N,
Long, 164° E, with a radius of 450 nautical miles, and arc lengths extending
fromtrue bearings 240° to 95° in a clockwise direction. Figure 1] shows the
proving ground and danger areas.
Operation CASTLE was a full-scale test operation developed by the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC) for testing nuclear devices and experimental

Select target paragraph3