mole was constructed by driving various lengths of wood piling which was
backed horizontally with wood planking and then earth-filled. Moles were
also constructed at both Namu and Bokobyaadaa with material removed in
excavating a channel and turning basin at these sites, Due to wave erosion,
it became necessary to construct a timber bulkhead on the western side of
the mole at Nama,

Airport facilities were provided at Bikini by connecting sites Airukiraru
and Airukiiji and constructing thereon an airstrip 4500 ft. long and 150 ft.
wide with 25 ft. shoulders on each side. All structures needed for limited
airport operations were erected and consisted of the operations, fire and
crash, hangar, and power plant buildings plus an 8-man "ready" tent.
The construction of the airstrip required 172,800 sq. yds. of clearing
and grubbing; 168,550 cu. yds. of excavation; filling and compacting approximately 75,000 cu, yds. of aggregate; and grading and stabilizing approximately
100,000 sq. yds. of 200 ft. wide, 4 in. thick runway on an 8 in. thick, 150 ft.
wide compacted coral base. In addition, 9722 sq. yds. of compacted coral
parking area was provided. The entire area surrounding the airstrip was

cleared of all trees, brush and the natural surface bladed. The hangar building was of wood frame construction with aluminum siding and all other “build-

ings were wood frame and plywoodsiding structures,

Due to the expanded air operations for this test program, occasioned
primarily by shifting of air operations from Kwajalein to Eniwetok, extenSive improvements of the airport facilities at Eniwetok Island were netessary. Prior to undertaking the improvements of the airstrip, it was tested
for expected load pressures which indicated the need for replacement in some

parts of the sub-foundations. The airstrip was resurfaced with bitumuls
for approximately one-half its length, and additional parking areas and aprons
as well as a concrete decontamination pad with wash rack were provided,
The airstrip on Parry was completely rehabilitated and additional taxiway and helicopter pads were installed.

The Engebi airstrip was rehabilitated and extended so as to provide an
emergency landing for Jet planes,


In order to establish a zero line of the required length for Station 20, it
was necessary to construct an earth-filled causeway approximately 3000 ft.

long westward from Namu (Figure 27). This causeway terminated on a man-

made island of approximately 0.8 acre in area having an elevation of +10 ft.
MLWSand on which was located Station 20 and other related scientific installations. The causeway was 87 ft. wide at an elevation of +9 ft. MLWS, anda

Select target paragraph3