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Figure 26. Enyu Campsite

construction or standard U.S. Army 8-man or 4-man tents. In view of the
short period of occupancy of these structures, every possible step was taken
to keep costs to a minimum, All floor slabs were poured with a minimum of.

low-strength concrete; power generation and water distillation plants were

simple wood frame structures, enclosed only on the prevailing weather sides,
and with stabilized coral floors. In view of the possibility of loss of equip-

ment, the older and generally more obsolete equipment was installed in the

various campfacilities at Bikini and the newer equipment was retained in
the permanent camps at Eniwetok Atoll.

Electric power was provided by the installation of diesel-driven generators.

Portable equipment was used to facilitate removal prior to shot time.

For economy of operation the camp power plants were connected in at Namu
and Eninman with the scientific power plants so that, when permissible by
not interfering with scientific requirements, one plant could be operated to
meet all power demands,
Fresh water was provided for mess hall, lavatories, showers and scientific purposes. This water was made available by the installation of vapor-

compressor type distillation equipment. All distillation units installed at the

camps on Bikini Atoll were identical in size and construction; the units so

used were reaching the limit of their useful economic life and therefore could

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