Quotations were solicited on 90 miles (475,000 ft.) of 16-pair or 45 miles

(238,000 ft.) of 32-pair cables. The 16-pair cables cost approximately 30

percent more than single circuit 32-pair cable, but their deliveries could
commence a month ahead of deliveries for 32-pair cables. In addition, the
double circuit of 16-pair cable permitted a back-up path in case of failure
of one cable and lower anticipated maintenance costs, Based on these con-

siderations, the l6-pair cable was recommended and by 23 April 1953, when
authorization was received to place the order, the quantity of 16-pair cable
required had increased to 775,000 hin, ft.
The subsequent deletion of some of the scientific stations on atoll sites

west of Eninman reduced the cable requirement, and the system finally consisted of 620,000 ft. of 16-pair, 19 gage submarine cable, running in a single cable from Bokobyaadaa to Namu and thence a double cable around the
atoll to Airukiiji.

Minor scientific construction was undertaken on nearly every island, on

many reefs and in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll. Many of these minor stations
were small in physical size, but it was nevertheless necessary to place a
limited amount of construction equipment at each location. Though the scheduled date of occupancy or use was the determining factor when the construction was undertaken, where practicable, work was integrated with:that of the

major stations. It was thereby used as a "fill-in" so that a nearly constant
level of employment could be maintained.

Prefabrication at established camp sites was resorted to when this was
feasible, Placing of concrete was generally timed to permit the supply of
concrete mix to be obtained from batch plants in operation for major con-

struction requirements.

In the main, these minor scientific stations consisted of such items as

small concrete pads in which were embedded short lengths of pipe, tents,
small wood frame buildings or sheds, rafts anchored in the lagoon, and many
others, Also included under minor scientific construction were several large
stations such as the 500 series of power plants which were required to serve

the major recording stations.

The TA-500 (Eninman)-and CH-500 (Namu)

installations were housed in inexpensive wood frame structures with stabilized

coral floors, the DO-500 (Yurochi) installation was set up without shelter, but
a large reinforced concrete structure designed to withstand expected shock
pressures was necessary for the NA-500 (Enyu) plant, For the completion
dates of these items refer to Figures 14 and 15,


Select target paragraph3