







Basic planning for camp operation underwent several revisions due to
increases in population estimates which gradually developed for all Task

Force Groups.

The initial planning contemplated having two temporary

camps, one each at Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls. The development of Bikini
Atoll for Operation CASTLE is described in limited detail in Chapter 2, which
follows. Suffice it to say, the original concept in the Fall of 1952 of a 500-

man "shot island" camp had, by the end of 1953, evolved into an operational
task involving temporary camp facilities on four different islands of the atoll
with a total capacity of approximately 1900 people. At Eniwetok Atoll, a
camp site previously established on Rojoa Island for Operation IVY was reactivated and constituted the only temporary camp operated at this atoll for


Concurrent with the expanding scope of the Operation, the participating
agencies submitted revisions to their personnel accomtmodation requirements.
Accordingly, suitable adjustments in population densities at the various camp
sites were made from time to time, and it is believed that the final prepara-

tions for personnel accommodations were realistic in every way. As pre-

viously indicated, however, the immediate aftereffects of the SHRIMP shot
had an adverse effect upon the camp preparations at Bikini. Action for han-

dling this emergency was largely guided by decisions arrived at in frequent
meetings of key TG 7.5 and TG 7.1 personnel on the USS ESTES, where
they were quartered at Bikini, and at Parry Island when Eniwetok action was
involved, Other Task Groups andthe Task Force were represented or consulted as appropriate. Considering the emergency nature of the situation,
it is thought that the actions taken by all concerned were commendable. It
is believed, however, that if future planning properly anticipates loss of camp
facilities, such as occurred in this Operation, some improvement in the nec-

essary readjustments can be realized.

In view of the experience referred to above and other adversities of
lesser consequence, it is recommended that a joint effort be made by TG 7.5
and TG 7.1 to include in the camp planning for future operations procedures
to be followed in the event of unanticipated camp abandonment.
In an effort to present CASTLE population trends at the PPG in a manner

most useful to planning for future operations, it was deemed most practical

Select target paragraph3