
The technique of using vacuum pipes, as shown on Figure 18, in order
to allow detailed studies of reaction characteristics is eminently satisfactory.
The technique of using barges as zero positions, from which to detonate
the devices, was practical and essential to the CASTLE Operation. It allowed

great flexibility in the Operation, For instap e, the
_jwas fired some
ten miles from the : lanned position, and the
was fired at Eniwetok
instead of at Bikini. Neither change would havebeen possible with fixed land
zero points. However, no attempt should be made to fire from a barge in the
open ocean unless the problems of phenomenal waves produced by submarine

earth movement (tsunami) are settled and the other operational problems are
carefully studied,

It can be concluded that CASTLE achieved the following:

1, Established adequacyfor emergency capability on two weapons|




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Demonstrated the practicability of using\
Provided experimental evaluation?_
Gave valuable experimental information which can be employed in the
design of lighter thermonuclear weapons.

Select target paragraph3