weapons evolved in the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) and the
University of California Radiation Laboratory (UCRL). In addition to extensive diagnostic experiment programs conducted by these laboratories,

there was also included a program of weapons effects experiments spon-

sored by the Department of Defense (DOD). The final approved shot sched-

ule is shown in Table 1.

The number and sequence of shots as they actually

occurred are shown in Table 2.


Ownership of all fixed installations at the PPG, except for several on
Eniwetok Island, is in the AEC by purchase. Responsibility for the normal
operation and maintenance of the proving ground rests with the Manager,
Santa Fe Operations. This responsibility is delegated by the Manager, SFO,
to the Field Manager, Eniwetok Field Office. The Field Office accomplishes
the functions of engineering, design, construction, camp operation and maintenance through a single contractor, Holmes & Narver, Inc. In turn, these

responsibilities are temporarily assumed by the Commander, TG 7.5 during

active periods of that group.

Subsequent to Operation SANDSTONE, the AEC recommended to the DOD
the establishment of a permanent test organization to conduct tests outside
the United States. Initially, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) decided that successive Joint Task Forces for the conduct of overseas operations would be

established as required. Due to the method of implementation, this directive
essentially satisfied the AEC requirement for a continuing organization
since it developed that succeeding Task Forces were activated prior to-the
deactivation of their predecessors. With the establishment of JTF 7 for Operation CASTUVE, however, the concept of designating a new Task Force for
each pending overseas operation was abandoned in favor of a permanent Joint

Task Force.

Under agreement between the AEC and the DOD, Operation CASTLE was

conducted by Joint Task Force SEVEN (JTF 7).

By direction of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Task Force was placed under the Command of Major
General P. W. Clarkson, U.S.A,
The Task Force was comprised of the Commander and his staff and five.
Task Groups:

Task Group 7.1
Task Group 7.2
Task Group 7.3

- Scientific
- Army
- Navy

Task Group 7.4


Air Force

Task Group 7.5 - AEC (Base Facilities)
In approving the establishment of a permanent Joint Task Force organi-

zation for support and execution of AEC full-scale tests at the PPG, the JCS

Select target paragraph3