NO 408569 YUL 2 t966 Mc. Peter T. Coleman Deputy High Comaisstonec United States Department of Interior Txust Territory of the Pacific Islends Office of the High Comalszfoner Selpsn, Mrriana Islends 96950 Dear Mr. Colomen: BEST COPY AVAILABLE I em most pleased to hava your lettex of June 11, 1969, cepoiting the activities connectad with the rencbilitetion of Bikini Atoll. Everyone agreas Chat this is @ particularly Limsportent project and your obvious pereonal intezest in the resettlement will go far in assucxing that it will be successful, I understend thet perte of the Atoll other then Bikini and Enyu are being cecontaminated and resurveyed ead that the “Oboe-Peter=Tara” complex is one of those. Bssed on cur:ent deta, the external exposure to the Bikiniena during cultivetion and harvest of the cocenuts fraction coconuts interne] on the "Oboe-Peter-Tare"” complex might «dd a significant to their rotal annual dose. On the other hand, use of the from the complex should contribute only a small smount of activity. In agreement with your recsoniag, it would seem to be in oxder to plent 4 grove on the complex «t this time, wspectally since the equipmeat is at Bikini, but the final judgment of radiclogic ssiezy obviously haa to be made oa the basis of actual rediologic messzuce- ments of the terrein and food stuffs. Tf the currence redilologicel data being obtcined by the Joiat Tesk Croup 8.8, Bikini, on the lead, food sources cod lens watar turn dut Co be comparable with those oa knyu end Bikini, ie would certainly be {in order to review the judgments of the 1967 Ad Hoc Evalustion Committee. i ccn promise you «n expeditious response upon recefpt ef the relevant data. Please sccopt my sincerest thenks for calling this matter ta our ettention. Sincerely, REPOSITORY Doe/PA S6 conection DOE WV soxno, LAz, “Epan¥ 2" FOLDER BIKINTSURVEYCfi10-oash) Chairman