
His daily and weekly hours so worked-

(d) Any deductions, rebates,

or refunds from his total daily or weekly

(e) A list of monetary wages and fringe benefits for those classes of
service employees not included in the minimum wage attacnment to
this Subcontract, but for which such wage rates or fringe benefits have been determined by the interested parties or by the
Administrator or his authorized representative pursuant to the
Labor Standards clause in paragraph a of this Article. A copy of

the report required in paragraph 13(a) of this Article shall be

deemed to be such a list.


Withholding of Payment and Termination of Subcontract. The Contractor

shall withhold or cause to be withheld from the Subcontractor under
this or any other subcontract with the Contractor such sums as he, or
an appropriate officer of the Department of Labor, decides may be nec~
essary to pay underpaid employees. Additionally, any failure to comply

with the requirements of this clause relating to the Service Contract
Act of 1965 may be grounds
with the Subcontract work.
into other subcontracts or
charging the Subcontractor

for termination of the right to proceed
In such event, the Contractor may enter
arrangements for completion of the work,
in default with any additional cost.

Lower-Tier Subcontractors. The Subcontractor agrees to insert this
clause relating to the Service Contract Act of 1965 in all lower-tier

subcontracts. The term "’Subcontractor'’ as used in this clause in any
lower—tier subcontract shall be deemed to refer to the lower—tier


Service Employee. As used in this clause relating to the Service Con-

tract Act of 1965, the term "service employee" means guards, watchmen,

and any person engaged in a recognized trade or craft, or other skilled
mechanical craft, or in unskilled, semiskilled, or skilled manual labor
occupations; and any other employee, including a foreman or supervisor
in a position having trade, craft, or laboring experience as the paramount requirement; and shall include all such persons regardless of
any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between a
Contractor or Subcontractor and such persons.

Comparable Rates. The following classes of service employees expected
to be employed under the Subcontract with the Government would be sub-—
ject, if employed by the contracting agency, to the provisions of
5 U.S.C. 5341 and would, if so employed, be paid not less than the
followiny rates of wages and fringe benefits:
Employee class.

Monetary Wage--Fringe Benefits.


90086 14

(See Attached Schedule


Select target paragraph3