material in the Subcontractor's possession, in connection with the perforce
_ ance of work under this Subcontract. Excg$ as Otherwise expressly provid
in this Subcontract, the Subcontractogtshall, upon completion or termination of this Subcontract, transmit to the Contractor any classified matte
in the possession of the Subcontractor or any person under the Subcontrac
control in connection with performance of this Subcontract. If retention
by the Subcontractor of any classified matter is required after the compl:
tion or termination of the Subcontract apg@ysuch recteution is uppsoved by
the Contractor, the Subcontractor will<cbmplete a certificate of possessk

to be furnished to the Energy Researct’ and Development Administration or

the Contractor specifying the classified matter to be retained. The cer~tification shall identify the items and types or categories of matter retained, the conditions governing the retention of the matter and the
period of retention, if known. If retentionéjs approved by the Contractor
or the Energy Research and Development
Adenistration, the security provi-—
sions of the Subcontract will continue 6. be applicable to the matter

Regulations. The Subcontractor agrees to co
to all security regulations and requirements of the Administratiosand the Contractor.



Definition of Restricted Data. The term "Restricted Data," as used in this

Article means all data concerning: 1) desin, manufacture, or utilization
of atomic weapons; 2) the production of & cial nuclear material; or 3) the
use of special nuclear material in th yroduction of energy, but shall not
include data declassified or removed from the Restricted Data category
pursuant to Section 142 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

Definition of Formerly Restricted Data. The 36S "Pormerly Restricted Data,
as used in this Article means all data reaped from the Restricted Data

category under Section 142 d of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.


Security clearance of personnel. The Subcontractor shall not permit any
individual to have access to Restricted Data, formerly Restricted Data, or
other classified information, except in accoffance with the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended, and the Administration's regulations or requirements applicable to the particular type or category of classified information to which access is required.


Criminal liability. It is understood that djylosure of Restricted Data,
Formerly Restricted Data, or other classifi information relating to the
work or services ordered hereunder to an) person not entitled to receive
if, or failure to safeguard any Restricted Data, Formeriy Restricted Data,
or any other classified matter that may come to the Subcontractor or any
person under the Subcontractor's control x{connection with work under
this Subcontwvact, may subject the Subconactor, its agents, employees, ar
lower—tier subcontractors to criminal lYability under the laws of the

United States.

(Sex the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C.

2011 et seq.; 18 U.S.C.
as amended.)


Sections 793 and 794; and Executive Order 11652,

Subcontracts and purchase orders. Except as othayvise authorized in writing
by the Contractor, the Subcontractor shall inse
provisions similar to the
foregoing in all subcontracts and purchase ogtkrs under this Subcontract.


Select target paragraph3