

required by Section 104 of the Renegotistion Act of 1951, and by any sucl
other act, without subsequent subconkeact amendment specifically incorpo:
rating such provisions.


The Subcontractor agrees to insert xhprovisions of this Article, incluc
ing this paragraph b, in all sube atracts, as that term is defined in
Section 103g of the Renegotiation”’Act of 1951, as amended.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as
amended (31 U.S.C. 203, 41 U.S.C. 15) QNf this Subcontract provides

for payments aggregating $1,000 or mdye , claims for monies due or to becai
due the Subcontractor from the Contractog under this Subcontract may be
assigned to a bank, trust company, or 9 xr financing institution, including any Federal lending agency, and may thereafter be further assigned anc
reassigned to any such institution. @ny such assignment or reassignment
shall cover all amounts payable under this Subcontract and not already pai
and shall not be made to more than one party, except that such assignment
or reassignment may be made to one parpyvas agent or trustee for two or
more parties participating in such fipghcing.
Unless otherwise provided i.
this Subcontract, payments to assignee egy monies due or to become due
under this Subcontract shall not,

to th

extent provided in said Act,

amended, be subject to reduction or seyokk.


In no event shall copies of this SubcontraSs or of any plans, specifications or other similar documents relating>to work under this Subcontract,

if marked "Top Secret," "Secret," or "Co f4stential,” be furnished to any

assignee of any claim arising under this Subcontract or any other person
not entitled to receive the same; PROVIAYD, thatie copy of any part or all
of this Subcontract so marked may be furnisheds“or any information containe
therein may be disclosed to such assignee updh the prior written authorization of the Administration.


Except us may be otherwise provided in thaSubcontract, the Subcontract
price includes all applicable Federal, qyite, and local taxes and duties.
Nevertheless, with respect to any Federal Excjse Tax or duty on the
transactions or property covered by this Sub&pntract, if a statute, court
decision, written ruling, or regulation tags effect after the Subcontract

date, and:



Results in the Subcontractor being wea to pay or bear the burden
of any such Federal Excise Tax or dutyWr increase in the rate thereof
which would not otherwise have been payable on such transactions or
property, the Subcontract price shall be ingccased by the amount of
such tax or duty or rate increase: PROV IRED , that the Subcontractor,
if requested by the Contractor, warrant@‘in writing that no amount for
such newly imposed Federal Excise Tax or duty ofS¥ate increase was

in the Subcontract price as a contigddicy reserve or other-

wise; or


Select target paragraph3