
Certificates of Insurance evidencing that the requirements of this Article
have been met shall be furmished to Contractor before work is commenced
with respect to performance under th bs’ ubcontract. The insurance require~
Ment pursuant to the provisions of Qs Article shall be. in such form and

for such periods of time as Contractor mayyrequire or approve, and with
insurers approved hy Contractor. Provisid®’shall pe inade for ten days

advance written notice by mail to ContgHétor of change in or cancellation

of such insurance.


In the event the Subcontractor fails*Xo furnish such certificates prior
to the commencing of work or to
cegtinue to maintain such insurance during
the performance of the Subcontraet, Contractor shall have

the Yight to

withhold any payments or partial payments required to be made under this
Subcontract; and shall have the right to continue withholding any or all
of said payments so long as

the Subcontractor has not complied with the

requirements’ of this Article.


On Subcontracts envVE postin or other hazardous operations,

the Sub-

contractor insurance shat specifically state that ali blasting or such
.other hazardous operations are fully covered.

Subcontractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor and the AdMinistration from all claims, demands, causes of action, or suits of whatsoever
nature arising out of the services, labor, and materials furnished by Subcontractor, or its lower-tier subcontractors, under this Subcontract.
Subcontractor shall immediately pay and discharge (or shall provide security
sufficient and satisfactory in itself, to immediately pay and discharge), its

laborers, materialmen, or other creditors, or those of its lower-tier subcontractors, for the payment of any obligation, or alleged obligation, it or any
of its lower-tier subcontractors may have, in aid of the enforcement of which
a lien or right of any kind is established, or is attempted to be established,
upon or against the work or the real property upon which the work is situated.
The Contractor may,

as a condition precedent to any payment under this Subcon-

tract, require Subcontractor to submit complete waivers and releases of any
and all claims of any person, firm, or corporation. Such releases must be sub-

mitted covering all such claims as a condition precedent to final payment.

The Contractor may, subject to the provisions of paragraph ¢ below, by

written notice of default to the Subcontractor, terminate the whole or any
part of this Subcontract in any one of the following circumstances:

If the Subcontractor fails cofwEkey feLivepryof-th esuppltés-or to perm
form the services within the time specified herein oc any extension
thereof; or


Select target paragraph3