distant metastases, the clinical prognoses for these individuals remains
highly favorable. Although fourteen of these tumors were classified morpho-

logically as malignant neoplasms (carcinomas), either occult or overt, it

should be emphasized that the lay term "cancer," with its ominous implications, should not be applied to such clinically benign lesions, a point well
noted by others (255,259).

Thyroidal Hypofunction

Criteria used in defining biochemical thyroid function were developed
from findings in the control and exposed Utirik populations presented in Table


In the initial series, an upper limit of 3 LU TSH/ml serum was selected,

since baseline studies in 25 unexposed Marshallese who were clinically and
biochemically euthyroid yielded a mean value of 2.0 uU/ml (SD = 0.73) with a
range of 0.5 to 3.0 W/ml. Serum TSH concentrations in this group after injec-

tion with 500 ug of TRH averaged 11.5 wU/ml (SD = 4.5) with a range of 4.7 to

20.0 wyU/ml. These results are similar to those obtained in other normal populations with respect to both basal TSH and TRH-induced TSH release

Table 6.

Number of subjects with elevated serum TSH concentrations in
control and exposed Marshallese populations (1975-1979).
Initial Series

Sub jects


(unexposed Marshallese)



Single TSH
>3 wWU/mi


Second Series
Tested two
Two TSH values
or more times
>6 wW/ml



Utirik exposed


12 (12%)


Rongelap-Ailingnae exposed


11 (26%)


(thyroid dose <95 rads)
(No prior surgery)

2 (3.0%)

7 (19%)

As shown in Table 6, only 10% of a control population of 115 had serum
TSH concentrations >3 wU/ml.
In the the Utirik population exposed to relatively low doses of radioiodine, 12% had single TSH values >3 w/ml. These results suggested that there was no difference between these two populations

with respect to the prevalence of elevated serum TSH.

In the exposed (but

*Data from the exposed Utirik group were combined with the data from the
unexposed group because that group showed no evidence of thyroid hypofunction
associated with the low doses to their thyroids.


Select target paragraph3