

13 Mar 85

The Bikinians’ suit against the U.S. is settled with the signing of the
Memorandum of Agreement which, along with the COFA and the Compact Section
177 Agreement, provides the means to accomplish the rehabilitation and resettlement
of Bikini Atoll. The U.S. pledges to facilitate rehabilitation and resettlement and to
provide funds pursuant to the Compact Section 177 Agreementto assist resettlement.
The U.S. also agrees to assist the BARC to conduct a series of surveys and studies.“

27 Apr 85



The PASO issues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 5, FY 1985, for a trip

to Bikini Atoll in April-May 1985 as part of the LLNL’s terrestrial investigations to
measure and analyze radionuclides in the environment. This effort is an integrated
mission with the BARC to use the scientific work done by the LLNL to complement
the BARC’staskof investigating how radioactive contamination can be reduced while
respecting the biological and environmental integrity of the atoll. The DOE and the

DOI are working out a satisfactory arrangement for the LLNL/BARC arrangement.“

1 May 85


Representing the council and people of Enewetak before the Subcommittee on
Interior of the House Committee on Appropriations, David R. Anderson of the law
firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering cites increasing concern thatthe transition from

territorial status to COFA will occur without ensuring the continuation of government

programs on Enewetak and without compensating the claims of the Enewetak people.
According to Anderson, the most important Enewetakese concern is that the U.S.
"adequately provide for the rehabilitation and resettlement of Enjebi.“
10 May 8 . |.



The current, strategy of, the BNi.medical program. required:in .PL. 85-134

indudes an:angual-cancer-related. examination.for. the exposed Methlicee™™

20 May 85


In response to a DOI inquiry on the habitability of Eneu Island, the DOE
advises that resettlement with reasonable care to decrease exposures, such as
substituting imported food for a major portion of the local coconut product intake,
would not expose individuals beyond the range established by ICRP of 100 mrem a
yearforlife-long exposure.”
21 May 85
An outline of the Marshall Islands program lists BNL responsible for medical,
radiation safety, and dose reassessment; the LLNL responsible for radioecology


Select target paragraph3