27 Feb 81
Robert L. Morgan, DOE acting assistant secretary for defense programs,
proposes a reorganization of Defense Programs (DP) to comply with the
reorganization of DOE by Secretary James B. Edwards. Morgan recommends, among
numerous weapons responsibilities, that the deputy assistant secretary for military
application exercise direction over the office of safety, environment and emergency
actions. M. Whitley of DP prepares these proposals for Morgan.”
Mar 81


Approximately 100 Enewetak people return to Ujelang from Enewetak because

of lack of coconuts and other fresh fruits.”

Enewetak leaders petition the U.N. Trusteeship Council to continue the
trusteeship arrangementwith the U.S. after the agreement has been terminated with
the rest of -Micronesia.*”'
7 Apr 81


Following a DOE departmental reorganization transferring the biological and
environmental research (BER) program from the former office of the assistant
secretary for the environmentto the office of energy
research (ER), N. Douglas Pewitt,
acting director of ER, proposes placing nonresearch Marshall Islands projects related
to medical surveillance in the new office of the assistant secretary for environmental
protection, safety, and emergency preparedness (ASEP).°”

27 May 81


"DOE's Miactivities are at a crossroads," writes Tommy McCraw, DOE health
physicist, in response to Dr. Bruce Wachholz’s question of who should manage the
DOE Marshall Islands program and whether NV should administer it. McCraw
* mentions thatdisagreements have occurred between the NV and headquarters staffs

over wtid ‘should manage the Marshall Islands program and how it should be
operated:.' THe NV representatives, says McCraw, have given the Marshallese the
invptession that the NV has "almost endless resources" compared to the T.T.officials.

McCraw’al#o states that the AEC and the ERDA management "were neverwilling to

formally give NV more responsibility in the Marshalls than responsibility for logistics
support." According to McCraw, the DOEandits predecessors have received no clear

directions from Congress to provide radiological follow-up in the Marshalls; moreover,

McCrawfinds that the DOE “currently has no approved policy and no plan for these
activities." McCraw concludes that giving NV staff the responsibility for the DOE
Marshall tslands program will give the impression in Washington and Majuro that the
DOEwishes to provide leadership on Marshall Islands matters that will require new
responsibilities and enlarged funding “with no end in sight.”
26 Oct - 20 Nov 81


Citing a “very large program growth," Herman E. Roser, DOE assistant
secretary for DP, on 26 October recommends and on 20 November DOESecretary
Edwards approves a reorganization of DP to consolidate program managementareas
and to delegate program management responsibilities to three deputy assistant

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