12 Sep 79

In an openletter to members of the council of Ujelang and Enewetak and the
people of those atolls prior to the Enewetak radiation dose assessment meetings,
President Kabua advises them that the government "cannot bless nor participate in
any decision-making for your return to Enewetak" unless it is certain about all aspects
of lingering radiation danger. He expresses his concern about whethertheinitial dose
assessment meetings can achieve informed consent by the people of Ujelang and
Enewetak and advises them not to rush with a decision if they feel they are not yet
ready to make one.

16 Sep 79

Completion ceremony for the concrete dome covering radioactive debris is

held on Runit Island.*”
18 Sep 79

The Ujelang/Enewetak council adopts resolutions requesting that six members
of the Enewetak planning council be permitted to be present on Enewetak from
1 October 1979 to 31 January 1980 to have a greater role in the final phase of the
Enewetak Atoll rehabilitation project. The council also asks that future planting of
breadfruit trees on Japtan be on the ocean side of each wato in close proximity to
homesites and not interspersed with coconut palms.

18-20 Sep 79


At a dose assessment conference at Ujelang Atoll DOE representatives discuss
the radiological status of Enewetak Atoll with the people of Enewetak. The people

of Enewetak, in consultation with Drs. A. Bertrand Brill, Michael A. Bender, Robert A.
Kisteyr and:-Williasn E. Ogle, and legal counsel, decide the preferred course for

resettlement.and-use of therislands of:the.atoll. .Fhe,DOEstaff.presents and explains
its: baok/Enewetak Teday:": Following.themeétingwith-DOE, thecauncil of. Enewetak

meets.with,Theagorm RiMitchel, MLSC;.and his.advisors, and.adopts. a.resolution
stating.thatrthe:people:.af.. Enjebi, "shall and. must? return. ta. live on Enjebi and

imploring the U.S. government to concur with this decision and assist the people of
Enjebi to return to their homeland.”

28 Sep 79

In response to a verbal request from Ruth Van Cleve, director, office of

territorial affairs, DOI, Bruce W. Wachholz, DOEoffice of environment, assesses the

radiological consequences to the people of Enewetak if they reside only on Enewetak,

Medren, and japtan, and if coconut trees are planted on the northeastern islands of
the Enewetak Atoll. Given these assumptions andlimitations, the radiation exposure

estimates are below U.S. exposure guidance and AEC recommendations.”


Select target paragraph3