
suffering from conditions, including thyroid cancer, resulting from exposure to the
Castle Bravofallout. The U.S. government also has continued radiological surveys of
"the Marshalls and has mounted cleanup activities to make contaminated areas
habitable. In the meantime, the Bikini people have been relocated several times. In

1980 the Enewetak people returned to their atoll, but insufficient food caused 100
of them to leave a yearlater. The Rongelapese, resettled in Rongelap Island in 1957,
moved away from Rongelap in 1985 because of fear of contamination from living on
In the 1980s the U.S. and the Republic of the Marshall Islands negotiated a

series of agreements connected to the "Compact of Free Association,” signed into law

in the U.S. on January 14, 1986. Portions of the Compact and agreements require
the Department of Energy to fulfill certain obligations to the Marshallese.

Since 1947 the AEC, ERDA, and the DOE have been responsible for numerous

safety and health activities related to the Marshall Islands affected by nucleartesting.
In 1990 DOE Secretary James D. Watkins designated the DOE Office of Health as
the unit responsible for the DOE share of Marshall Islands programs. Toassist it in
carrying out these duties, the Office of Health subsequently requested History
Associates to prepare a chronology on activities connected with the nuclear test
activities in the Marshall Islands.

Select target paragraph3