Describing the condition of the evacuated Rongelapese, the JTF-7 commander
reports, "Many complained of stomach aches and headaches accompanied by
vomiting on first day with similar sysptoms [sic] to lesser degree on second day."

’ Five days later Gen. Clarkson, the task

force commander, challenges this report


stating that the latter is based on Rongelapese statements and that medical personnel
observed only one person vomiting.
The people from Rongelap and Utirik want to know when they can return
home andare told "that it would be in approximately two to four weeks" with a final
answerafter surveys determine whetherit is necessary to keep them evacuated until
the end of the Castle operation. The Rongelap and Utirik people also are concerned
about their animals. Because Clarkson determines that it would be less expensive to
replace the animals later than care for them now, the task force commander expects
no action to supply food and water to these animals. Some of the evacuees left
money underneath their huts, and the conferees state, “Care will be taken to insure

that any re-entry parties do not disturb the natives’ belongings.”
Captain Haight of the AEC/DMA reports that physical examinations of the
evacyces show satisfactory health and no symptomsof radiation sickness as of this
Gen. Clarkson assures Adm. Clarke and the T.T. representative "that the Joint
Task Force would stand any expense from Task Force funds over and above normal
Naval or T.T. expenses" for such items as rations and interpreters’ pay and would
evacuate by air anyone stricken with radiation sickness to Tripler Hospital.*
6 Mar 54
Bugheradvises Alfred J. Breslin at JTF-7 that there is no limit for the number

of soil samples to collect from the Marshall Islands area exposed to Castle Bravo

fallout. Bugheris particularly interested in ruthenium’ and strontium” and *.“

8 Mar 54
Dr. HerbertScoville, technical director of the AFSWP, leads a JTF-7. radiological

survey team méasuring the gamma dose rates in soil and water from Castle Bravo
fallout at Rongelap and Utirik Islands. The milliroentgens(mr) per hour at waist height
average 375at Rongelap and 40 mr per hourat Utirik.””

9 Mar 54

Because of the 2 March detection of contamination of Bikar Atoll,
approximately 300 miles east of Bikini, Scoville’s survey team measures 160 mr per
hour waist-high from the soil at Bikar Island on unpopulated Bikar Atoll in the
aftermath of Castle Bravo.”

10 Mar 54







The Scoville survey team, measuring waist-high from thesoil, finds an average
outside dose rate of 280 mr per hour at Enewetak Island, Rongerik Atoll, and 100 mr
per hour at Sifo Island, Ailinginae Atoll-all rates resulting from the Castle Bravo
Dr. Thomas L. Shipman receives local approvalto collect and analyze urine
samples from the natives and air weather personnel exposed to the Castle Bravo

Select target paragraph3