Research Activities for the Department of Energy,” 28 Dec 89, DOE, Rudolph’sfiles,
Letter files, Letters-Marshall islands-1989, EH. [D090]
594, "Statement of Senator jeton Anjain on behalf of the Rongelap Atoll Local
Governmentbefore the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs, Committee
on Interior and insular Affairs," DOE Legislative Affairs Library. [G79]
595. “Statement by John Rudolph,” 16 Nov 89, Brown, NV [H72]; John C. Tuck to
Frank Press, 2 May 90, DOE Executive Secretariat Collection [ES3]; “Summary of
Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs, November 16,
1989," 22 Nov 89, Rudolph’s Files, D-File, Marshall Islands 1989, EH. [G70]

596. Ron de Lugo to James D. Watkins, 21 Nov 89, Rudolph’s files, Letter files,
Letters-Marshall Islands 1989, EH. [D87]
597. Kunio D. Lamari to Hunting Hardisty, 7 Dec 89, Rudolph’sfiles, Letter files,
Letters-Marshall Islands 1989, EH. [D88}

Samuel Thomsen to Gerald Watson, 9 Jan 90, Brown, Runit, NV. [G48]

599. “Informal DOE Agreement No. 90DIB003," 15 Dec 89, Brown, Enewetak, NV.
600. "Statement of Senator Jeton Anjain on Behalf of the Rongelap Atoll Local
Governmentbefore the Secretarial Panel for the Evaluation of Epidemiologic Research
Activities for the Department of Energy,” 28 Dec 89, Rudolph’sfiles, Letter files,
Letters-Marshall Islands-1989, EH. [D90]
601. Charles B. Meinhold to Harry U. Brown, 3 Jan 90, Rudolph’sfiles, D-File,
Marshall Islands 1990, EH. [D91]

Harry U. Brown to Stephen Simon, 13 Jan 90, Brown, NV. {G47


Draft, James D. Watkins to J. Bennett fohnston; 9 Jan 90, Rudolph's files,


Thomsen to Watson, 9 Jan 90. [G48]

Letter files, Letters-Marshall Islands 1990, EH. [D92)-;

605. Harry U. Brown to Stephen Simon, 13 Jan 90, Rudolph’sfiles, Letter files,
Letters-Marshall Islands 1990, EH. [D93}
606. William D. Jackson to J. H. Dryden, 1 Feb 90, Rudolph’s files, Letter files,
Letters-Marshall Islands 1990, EH. [096)


607. John E. Rudolph to Christine Gebbie, 22 Jan 90, Rudolphfiles, D-file, Marshall
Islands 1990, EH. [D94]


608. John C. Tuck to the Secretary [James D. Watkins,] n.d., Rudolph’s files, Letter
files, Letters-Marshall Islands 1990, EH. [D95}

J. P. Dickey to Gerald Watson, 24 Jan 90, Brown, Runit, NV. [G49]


W. John Tipton to Harry U. Brown, 2 Feb 90, Brown, Enewetak, NV. [G50]

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