
Brown to Oliver, 21 Aug 87 [C76]; "Relocation of Bikini Island People Will


"Relocation of Bikini Island People Will Begin August 28," 25 Aug 78. [C105]

Begin August 28," 25 Aug 78, Deal, Box 13, Marshall islands July-Dec. 1978, RG 326,
DOEArchives [C105]; U.S. at Volume 92, Part 1: 487-489. [C104]

351. “Brief Review, Radiological Conditions in the Marshall Islands,” 3 Nov 78, Deai,
Box 13, Marshall Islands July-Dec. 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C101]
352. Draft action memorandum,31 Jul 78 (C106); “Stipulation of Dismissal," 27 Oct
78, Deal, Box 13, Marshall islands 1979-1980, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C107]


PSAD 79-54 Enewetak

Contamination (GAO, 1979), pp 7-10. [C116]

354. “Summary, Measured Body Burdens, 137 Cs Bikini Is. Residents," [Viewgraph]
2 Mar 79, McCraw, Box 9, Radiological Survey, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C115]

RR Monroe to James L. Liverman, 9 Feb 79, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands

1979-1980, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C113]

“Fact Book: Major General Grayson D.Tate, Jr., Commander, Field Command,
Defense Nuclear Agency Visit, Enewetak Atoll 25 - 29 May 1979", n.d., Document

45110, CIC. [G30}


Juda v. U.S., 13 Cl. Ct. 667 (1987), p. 672. [G44]


W.J. Bair to Ruth Clusen, 29 May 79, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands 1979-


Draft DO! report to SidneyYates, DealP. [C123]...

1980, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C118]

360: Juda'¢. UTS.,;'137&1. ct. 667 (1987), p. 672. [G44]
361; Uridérséétetsty dF'the'intertor to Adrian P. Wiflkel, 21 ‘May’ 79) Enclosure in

draft letter to Charles B. Meinhold, 16 Nov 84, Rudolph’sfiles, EH. [C117]


Memorandum from Roger Ray, 25 May 79, EP files. [G29]

363. Undersecretary of the Interior to Adrian P. Winkel, 21 May 79, Enclosure in
draft letter to Charles B. Meinhold, 16 Nov 84, Rudolph’s files, EH. [C117]

Bruce Wachholz to Ruth Clusen, et. al, 9 Jul 79, Deal, Box 13, Marshall

islands 1979-1980, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C119]

365. Bruce W. Wachholz to Ruth Van Cleve, 16 Aug 79, Deal, Box 13, Marshall
Islands 1979-1980, RG 326, DOEArchives [C120]; David M. Rosenbaum to Ruth G.

Van Cleve, 23 Aug 79, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands 1979-1980, RG 326, DOE

Archives. [C121]

366. Amata Kabuato Iroijlaplap Joanes et al., 12 Sep 79, EH, Box 1086, Job 9189,
5470 Enewetak Cleanup, RG 434, EH-DOErecords storage {G31}; Bruce W. Wachholz
ty TH
jou aS

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