11 Dec 53


The AEC appoints Maj. Gen. P.W. Clarkson as the senior AEC representative

for Operation Castle at the PPG. Among

his responsibilities are decisions to act in

emergency situations to protect the health and safety of task force personnel and
property and "the national interest." Clarkson also is the military commander for


Revising the Castle radiological safety plan, Clarkson emphasizes, "Temporary

evacuation of native populated islands is not recommended as a pre-shot measure."
He will use weather as a major safety measure to detonate shots “when wind
conditions present minimum hazards to inhabited islands and air and surface routes
of the Pacific." He augments the cloudtracking for Castle and places the downwind

area from the shotsite as first priority, the upwind area in the task force campsite
as second priority, the upwind region of populated atolis in the southeast quadrant
as third priority, and air and surface routes through Wake and the Marshall Islands

as least priority.

Clarkson acknowledges "a remote possibility of adverse conditions out to
populated atolls." Because of "operational difficulties’ Clarkson has insufficient
documentation of fallout from Pacific high-yield shots, especially on the area above

the Pacific tropopause, which is 15,000 feet higher than the Nevada Test Site

tropopause. Healsocites limitations on weather and radsafe forecasting techniques
that make it impossible to assure "that no radsafe conditions conducive to possible
adverse criticism will ensue."
Relying on an earlier prediction by Dr. T. L. Shipman, LASL health division
leader, Clarkson cites Ujetang as a remote possibility for fallout hazards. The
commander considers similar hazards at other populated islands “very remote." If
temporary evacuation of the natives is required after a shot, Clarkson will use task
force security ships for that purpose, and personnel with T.T. administrative and
interpretation experience will be required to supervise that effort.’
1 Mar 54




The United States detonates an experimental thermonuclear device in Castle
Bravo at Bikini. Because of a surprisingly higher yield than expected radioactive
fallout extends beyond the announced danger area and reaches Rongerik Atoll, site
of a U.S. weatherstation, and inhabited areas, including Rongelap and Utirik Atolls

in the Marshall Islands. Also, according to the AEC, these atolls “were contaminated
by radioactive fallout because of an unexpected shift in wind conditions."”

1 Mar - 15 May 54

Operation Castle tests are conducted at Bikini.”
Estimates differ on the amountof radiation exposure received by the Marshall
Islanders. A military report made shortly after the detonation suggests Rongelapese
exposures of "150 r. whole body gamma."
Another military memorandum reports that 64 Rongelapese may havereceived
up to 130 roentgens over 51 hours; 17 additional Rongelapese on Ailinginae, 80

Select target paragraph3