_ 167.


Lyndon B. Johnson tothe President of the Senate and Speaker of the House,

21 Aug 67, Week


of Presidential


28 Aug 67, p. 1191. [13]


"Program Review: DOE Marshall islands Programs,” p. 2. [H9]


S. G. English to John T. Conway, 12 May 66, General Correspondence, Box

712, Bikini Atoll, RG 128, NARA. [B21]

170. C. L Dunham to Commissioners, 17 Jan 67, Secretariat, Box 7716, MH&S 3
Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B22]

Dunham to Commissioners, 17 jan 67. [B22]


§. Udall to G.T. Seaborg, 7 Dec 66, Secretariat, Box 7716, MH&S 3 Radiation

Vol. 1, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B23]

173. Sutow and Conard, "The Effect of Fallout Radiation on Marshallese Children,"
pp. 6-7, 11. [15]


AEC 604/100, 31 Jan 67, enclosing Charles L Dunham toFiles, 26 Jan 67,


C. L Dunham to Commissioners, 12 May 67, Secretariat, Box 7716, MH&S

Secretariat, Box 7716, MH&S Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives. (B24]

3 Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives. (B25]

176. Harold L. Beck, Burton G. Bennett, & Tommy F. McCraw, "External Radiation
Levels On Bikini Atoll, May 1967," HASL-190, Dec 67, McCraw, Box 9, External
Radiation Levels on Bikini Atoll, May 1967, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B26]

177. James T. Hiyane, "1967 Bikini Radiological Resurvey-Marshalls Agriculture
Report," McCraw, Box.9, Environmental Levels--Bikini & Rongelap--Food, Diet, Etc., RG

326, DOE Archives. [B27]


eval nnalz to Michell, 21 Aug #9. .C114]


ony A Friawiqae ig Ehead fb User 7?


U.S. President, Letter to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House,


“Marshall Islands A Chronology,” p. 17. [A27]

178. AEC 604/110, 10 Jul 68, Jack A. Tobin, “Preliminary Anthroplogist’s ReportBikini AtollSaney, 19623 Appenziii | to Enclosure 1, Secretariat, Box 7762, MH&S 3
Radiation Vol. |, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B32]

wg parece


U.S., at Vol: 81: 15. [B28]

21 Aug 67, Week’

mpilation of


1191-1192. [13]

182. John R Totter, Philip F. Gustafson, Roy D. Maxwell, “Meeting to Discuss
Return of the Natives to the Bikini Atoll,” 28 Feb 68, p. 5 (attachment to 2 Apr 68
Memorandum by John R. Totter), Secretariat, Box 7716, MH&S 3 Vol. 2, RG 326,
DOE Archives. [B29]

John R Totter to Commissioners, 31 May 68, OGM, Box 5539, General MGR’s

RDG. File May 16-31, 1968, RG 326, DOE Archives. [B30)

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