
AEC informal meetings, 24 Apr 56, minutes, Secretariat, Box 1258, MH&S-3


Announced U.S. Nuclear Tests, p. 6.


Survey of Radioactivity in the Sea near Bikini.and Eniwetok Atolls 11-21 Jun


Brig. Gen. Alfred D. Starbird to the AEC commissioners, 2 Aug 56, Secretariat,

Radiation Vol. 2, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A54]

56, UWFL-46, pp. iv, 1, McCraw, Box 9, RG 326, DOE Archives. [A40]
Box 1263, MR&A-7 Redwing Vol. 3, RG 326, DOE Archives. [F20]

"Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Ocean from Nuclear
Tests," p. v. [A51]


AEC 125/30, 6 Feb 57, Appendix "A", p. 7, Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-

1 Proving Grounds Vol. II, RG 326, DOE Archives [A43]; K. E. Fields to Hon. Cari T.

Durham, chairman, JCAE, 1 Apr 57, General Correspondence, Box 712, WeaponsTest-

Eniwetok, RG 128, NARA. [A47]

125. "Survey of Radioactivity in the Sea andin Pelagic Marine Life West of the
Marshall Islands, Septernber 1-20 1956," UWFL~47, 15 Mar 57, McCraw, Box 9, RG
326, DOE Archives. [A41]


AEC 125/30. [A43]

127, “Agreement in Principle Regarding the Use of Enewetak Atoll," 22 Nov 56,
attached to "Summary of Relevant Background for Land Use Claims," L Joe Deal
Personal Files (hereafter Deal P). [A39]

"Agreement in Principle Regarding the Use of Bikini Atoll," Deal P. [A39]

3489. .1249th,ARG;
225.Nev:56, minute, Secretariat, Box 1258, MH&S-3
periatice Vol-Reee Archives. [A42]

‘ohn & Totter to Chairman seapure, <t al., 24 Apr 70, Secretariat, Gow (O%2.

tee, 5UAHRapg., dletse85th Gong; tstcsesx)eRadidaetivéChdliout and Its Effects
on Man,” p. 950. [A48]


131. AEC125/30.[A43];Richard G. Hewlett and Jack M.Holl, Atoms for Peace

and War 1953-1961 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), p. 329.

AEC 125/30. [A43]


1267th AEC Meeting,

Proving Grounds Vol. Itt, RG

21 Feb 57, minute, Secretariat, Box 1264, MR&A 7-1

326, DOE Archives. [A44]

134. "Radsafe Emergency Instructions for Populated Islands" in U.S. Cong., House,
85th Cong., 1st Sess., "The Nature of Radioactive Fallout and Its Effects on Man," p.
475. [A48]

135. C.L Dunham to K. E. Fields, 5 Aug 57, OGM, Box 5673, DBM, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [A45]

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