United States House and Senate Committees and Staff
The following 1s 8hs: of hey House ano Senate Commmess and stat who
teguia’iy Ges’ wih Micrones:a programs and budgets

Commmee On intenor end insular Affairs
U.S House of Representetives
Wasnngron DC 20518

{At a rule Me Farrow deals wat US Terrnory
esues whie Ms Kraust hawies Trus: Terrnory


Mouse Appropriations Commitee

United Stete Senate

esues )

Cracme* Monoadle Morey K Uc:

MW Jette, Farrow Adviso’
Pnone (202) 225-9297

War-rgton DC 20510

Charman Honorable James A McCiure
Statt mM: Jemes P. Berne.

Svocommities on interior and Related


Seno Counsel

Room B30E Rayburn House Office Building
Wastengion. D.C 20515
Cnarman Honorable Sine, R Yates

House Subcommittee on Public Lends
Subcommmee Charman John F Seperting

Senete Committee on Energy eng Nature!

Ms Patrica A Krasse.


Protess:ona! Sta’ Membe:
Room 812 Mouse Annes #1

Aten Stayman. Gta" Mempbe:
(for authorization commaies)
Prone. (202) 224-2564

Ms Kathieen A Jonhnson.

Statt Assistam

Senste Commitiee on Appropriations
Bubcommitice on interior end Related

Phone (202) 225.3081

Washington. DC 20518
Prone (202) 226-7730

Trust Territory Health System Directors
Kosrae Stete. FSM
Dr Arthur Sigran
Sraie Ovecto: o° beater. Services
Kosrae FSW pGna4

Republic of the Marshal islands

Jaz Helsera

Sez‘eia', o' Heath Sewces

Reser: o' the Marsha! isiands

FO Bs 16
Ma,urc. Masoal! isiands 96960

Agana Guam 06910
American Samoa
Or Julia L Lyons

Or Amins Davie

D- Eice Preirics
Cre’ Diwv:s-07 of Heate Services
Desatne™ of Soca’ anc Heanh Se-vices
Nalo7a Govesnmes of the Federaies States of

State Director of Meath Services
Ponape State. FSM 96941

Orrecto- of Heath Sewces

LB Tropical Medica! Come:
Pago Pago. American Samos 86799

Repubiic of Belay
Or Masao Kumanga



Yop State. FSM
Ms Mary Figs. Director
State “ea” Services

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana

(The Region IX office of the US. Public Heath

Bureau of Heath Sewces
MacdQonsic Memoria! Mospra’
Koror. Belau 96540

Moline a2 Pohape 9€3<1


M: Deons Rodriguez. Dvecto:
Oepariment of Heath anc So<z.al Se-vices
P.O Boa 2816

Ponhnpei State, FEM

Federated States of Micronesia

Service m San Francisco has just ssued &
Meatth Services Directory for al! the sercnores
that notes al! majo’ tecites services and per-

sonnel ft will be updaled every 6 months
Cop-es ave available by wring to Dr. Sherndan
Weinstein. Regions! Meant Agnmn:sirato’. US
Public Meath Senice. $0 Unned Natons Plaza


Ba: 14&

Yar FSW 969<3

Dr Jose Villagomez
Overcto: of Public Mean anc Env: "onmenial
a BDtone

. SanFrancisco. CA $4102 )

Truk State. FSM
TegHapa: D Ge-nan Aten
ase ‘Bow GNMrbE559
Aras Deas, Dvens’ of MeantSe-~wces
tor True Stare



Oa ta ou

Washington. D.C 20510
Subcommmee Chairman James A McClure
Siaft: Mr Jettrey Cette. Phone (202: 224-7262


is“Micconesis Goseinen“LeadersWLy

Trus: Terrttory Government
Monrs-aa'+ Jase: Vile,
mer Comn.ssoneTras’ Tenors of the Pace planes
Sazra- CNM. 96957
Pneve 0°°-670.9213
Repubic of the Marshall isiangs
Moq-aDe AMata KaDua
Pres ses

Resp zc’ the Massa’ tsianes
Wacts Masta: is.a73s SESE:
Federated States of Micronesia
(Composes of Siate: of Kos-ate Po*ape
Troe Yer

He sogse Tose, Naeayama

F es 5e-:

Fese-se: Statesof Micronesia
Keres Forage

Euscesr Cavi'e ts'avc: SE5<"
Prone in: OF 16%-€9" Pone Pe #226
Honcradle Joh Mange'e'
Gz vec: Of Var
Colc.e Yar

Wes'esr. Cavoiine is:acas 9€9<3
a! Gow Hoa’y Tacneho

AEG 47

Honarabie Eman Aten
Governor of Trua
Moe. Truk

Easte'n Cavoine is'ance 06547
Lt Gov Roves Mor
Honsad‘e Ress Moses
Gove-no: of Pomaze
Kora Poxusipe
Easie-n Caroi:ne isctancs 0652"
Prone in: Op 185-65! Ponspe #23£
Lt Gov Johnny P. Dave

Hono-abdie Yos-we George
Governo’ of Kosat
Kos‘ae Easier: Caro'-ne tsiancs 96904
it Gov Mcset Macaweiuns
Republic of Belay
Honoradie Laza'us Sa’
Resc>: of Belac
Koro’ Belau
Wester. Caroine ts'accs 96965
Prone int Op 169-65: Beie, 0223

Vice Pres.cen! Thomas Renengesay






Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana

Honorable Peore P. Tenorio
Gove-no: of the Northern Ma‘ana isiands
Sapas CNMi 96950
Prone 011-670-6497
Lt Go. Peco A Tenens
Honorat'e Rucarse J. Bocat:
Governo of Guat.

Agana. Guat 96210

Prone 013-€71.472-893°
Li Go. Eowaro O Reyes
Americar Samos
Honovate AP Luta'

Gove-ne- of Amecas Sansz

Pago Pag: Ame car. Samos 9679%

Prone 05 1-684-633-4116
Lt Go. Er. bunk


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