Technical assistance shall include, at RMI request, a whole body counter, to be

located in a facility supplied by the RMI, and thetraining of its operator. Technical
assistance may include professional personnel services and dosimetry and bioassay


d. At RMI request, the U.S. is to provide technical assistance, programs and

services, on a reimbursable basis, to continue the planting and agricultural
maintenance program on Enewetak and to continue the food programsof the Bikini
people and the Enewetak people for as long as is required.

e. $3 million to the RMI to conduct medical surveillance and radiological

monitoring activities, are to be disbursed in average amounts of $1 million for a
three-year period commencing when the agreement goes into effect. The results of
the medical surveillance and radiological monitoring are to be filed with the Claims
Section 2 - The People of Bikini
$75 Million to the Bikini Distribution Authority in payment of daimsarising
out of the nuclear testing program for loss or damage to property and person of the
people of Bikini, are to be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $1.25 million for the
fifteen-year period commencing one quarteryear after the agreement goes into effect.
Section 3 - People of Enewetak
$48.75 million to the Enewetak Distribution Authority in payment of daims
arising out of the nuclear testing program for loss or damage to property or person

of the people of Enewetak, are to be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $812,500 for

the period commencing one calendar quarter after the agreement goes into effect.
Section 4 - People of Rangelap...

. .1i§ $37.5 millian:to.the Rongelap Oistribution Authority in payment of claims
arising out of the nuclear testing program for loss or damage to property and person
of the people of Rongelap,.are.to be.disbursedin. quarterly amounts of $625,000 for
the fifteen-year period commencing one calendar quarter after the agreement goes




Section 5 - People of Utirik
$22.5 million to the Utrik [sic] Distribution Authority in payment for cdaims
arising out of the nuclear testing program for loss or damage to property and person
' of the people of Utirik, are to be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $375,000 for the
fiteen-year period commencing one calendar quarter after the agreement goes into


Section 8 - Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utirik Trusts

The people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utirik shall establish trusts with
all or a portion of the annual proceeds from this Agreement in order to provide
additional long-term means to address consequences of the nuclear testing program.

Select target paragraph3