proceed.” He describes the program approval and review processes for the bioassay


May 90
Bernd Franke of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, a

Takoma Park, Marylandinstitute, issues "Why the Rongelap ReassessmentProject Did
Not Fulfill Its Mission, Rongelap Versus Eniwetak and

Bikini: Equal Treatment?" to the

Rongelap Atoll local government. The report alleges failures of the Kohn report and
discusses the varying criteria for the assessments of Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongelap.*™
1 May 90

David Weiman meets with Joseph Karpinski, DOE principal deputy assistant
secretary for congressional and intergovernmental affairs; Gary Palmer, special
assistant to the under secretary; and Gary Knight, deputy assistant secretary for
House liaison, prior to Senator Anjain’s testimony before the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies (Yates Committee). Weiman provides
DOE Secretary Watkins’s office with Assistant Secretary Roser’s 23 March 1982
memorandum and a 14 April 1982 memorandum from J. W. Thiessen to A. W.

Trivelpiece regarding the transfer of Marshall islands programs from EP to DP. He
raises three sensitive new matters of concern: a DOE radiation double standard at
Rongelap; questionable applicability of traditional DOE dose standards to the exposed
people of Rongelap; and Safeguard "C" and the subordination of health and safety
programs. Weimanstates that "Senator Anjain and Rongelap believe there is a
reasonable and easily attained solution to the overall matter’ and that Anjain and

Weiman are “willing to work to work with the Secretary to resolve it*.‘”
2 May 90

Se ms

' DOESUndee'Secretary:Johts. CG. Tuck: requests:thatthé NASi‘ufidertake an

independent.’ review:<ofa‘alt: data. available. ‘regarding the:‘radiological’: status and

habitability-of RoBgelap2:This: review stould: consider’ the views' Of ithePeople of
Rongelap,DOS, andcthosewha conductedthe Initial’ mew pursiant‘to the COFA:

He requests that members of the review panel be selected in a manner that assures
impartiality so that the conclusions will be acceptable to the people of Rongelap.™
4 May 90

Sen. John Glenn

(D-Ohio), chairman of the Senate Committee on

Governmental Affairs, requests DOE Secretary Watkins to support an independent
"Phase Il" assessmentof the radiological contamination of Rongelap Atoll and provide
humanitarian assistance so that the Rongelap people may resettle where they will

have access to food and medical care.’

Sen. Anjain issues a statement to the Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Agencies onbehalf of the Rongelap Atoll local government and the Rongelap people.
He states that the Rongelap reassessment project created new questions rather than
resolving them and demonstrated that there is “a significant lack of knowledge’
concerning the environmental and radiological conditions on Rongelap and the healt


Select target paragraph3