22 Jan 90


The DPreplies to the testimony by Sen. Anjain at the 28 December SPEERA
meeting that medical/radiation records are already available to the Marshallese,
although general
policy is that they do not release unevaluated data; that the
comprehensive and independent study of Rongelap Island would be authorized if the
independent study of the DOE’s data by Kohn concluded that the DOE data did not
support the habitability of the island; and that the organizational assignment to DP
has no influence onits technical content or scientific results.”
24 Jan 90


The Marshall IslandsNitijela (legislature) passes a resolution commending DOE
Secretary Watkinsfor his support of a second look at Rongelap issues and urging him
to implement a phase 2 study of Rongelap Island.
In a draft response to the American Embassy in Majuro regarding cleanup of
Runit Island, DNA states that any attempt to start cleaning Runit now would be
premature. DNA isstill testing mining methods as a meansfor leaning plutonium
from the soil, and the scope of cleanup required on Runit is moredifficult and costly
than that being done on Johnston Atoll. If technology questions are resolved at
Johnston Atoll, a Runit cleanup is two to four years away. DNA recommends
beginning long-range planning and coordination for Runit cleanup and starting with

the planning meeting to identify a lead agency and assign critical tasks.”

2 Feb 90


In response to the desire of the Marshallese to perform their own radiation
measurements throughout the Marshall Islands, W. John Tipton, assistant operations
managerfor aerial measurements operations of EG&G, recommendsthattheislanders
purchase three or four hand-held survey meters for each atoll and that two or three
people on each atoll be trained in the operation of the instruments. Heoffers to
furnish limited use of EG&G’s germanium in situ system resources, provided that
EG&G takes the measurements if quantitative data on otheratolls is needed to tie in
with results of the 1978 survey.*”
16 Feb 90


The PASOissues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 90-2, FY 1990, for a
medical surveillance trip to be conducted by BNL at Ebeye, Majuro, Utirik, and Mejato

in March-April 1990."
18 Mar - 13 Apr 90



During the spring medical mission to Ebeye, Majuro, Utirik, and Mejatto the
BNL team conducts 339 full medical examinations of the Marshallese. The doctors


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