major concern is that this would require the removalofall of the coconut, breadfruit,
pandanus, andlime trees and all other vegetation from the island.*’
23 Oct 89

Chairman Ron de Lugo of the House Subcommittee on Insular and
International Affairs invites DOE Secretary Watkins to testify at the 16 November
oversight hearing on the health of the Rongelap people. De Lugo submits three
pages of matters for the DOE to address at the hearing, induding analyses of the

Rongelap Reassessment Project report and the

phase 2 work plan for “Making

Rongelap Habitable," a description of Rongelap Atoll cleanup efforts, and information

on the DOEtesting of Rongelapese for plutonium or other transuranics.””
16 Nov 89


Representing DOESecretary Watkins, John L. Meinhardt, DOE principal deputy
assistant secretary for defense programs, testifies at the House Subcommittee on
Insular and International Affairs oversight hearing on Rongelap. Meinhardt declares,
"We, as a country, accept full responsibility for compensation to the citizens of the
Marshall Islands resulting from the Bravo event, as well as other testing between
1946 and 1958." Emphasizing Watkins’s commitment to environmental, health, and
safety matters, Meinhardt states that the DOE Secretary "intends to give the issues
raised by the Rongelap people an additional review,” complete the review within six
months, and report the results "by next summer." With respect to the Rongelap
technical data supporting the current DOE position, Meinhardt affirms, "We stand by

these ‘data.".; De. Lugocasks. Meinhardt"totake a message, back to Secretary Watkins,

that this subcommitteeis veryappreciative ofthe new approach." Gotin Rudolph and,

Harry-Brown. of.DOE,

Drs. William AdamsandCharles Meinliold ofBNL; and Dé.

ofLUNL prepare draft.statementsfor this hearing, but the: DOE
leadership. cancels.their testimany and replaces it with Meitihardt's:) tater both de
Lugo and Sen. Anjain refer to Meinhardt’s review statement as a “fresh look," which

Anjain says Watkins "“promised...over the objections of the DOE program

Testifying before the same House subcommittee,Sen. Anjain urges that the
independent study of Rongelap promised in P.L. 99-239 “be promptly initiated."

According to a letter by John C. Tuck, DOE, of 2 May 1990, Rudolph
expresses the Secretary's desire to have an outside review of DOE’s past work
regarding the habitability of Rongelap. Bernd Franke, Henry Kohn, and Rosalie Bertell
testify regarding the Rongelap reassessment project. Robert K. Lane, of P&D
technologies, testifies about the phase 2 work plan for an independent study of
outstanding radiation and health issues on Rongelap.”


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