group! and group 1 & 2 island average is 30 and 36 mrem/y respectively.
In Table XX the maximum bone dose from °° Sr will be97mrem/y (Kate).

The group 1 and group 1 & 2 island average for total bone dose (!37cs + 7° Sr)
are 63 and 75 mrem/y respectively.

All of these doses are certainly

within guidelines.
The transuranic

doses listed in Table XX] are in error by at least

two orders of magnitude.

In addition, the last column of Table XX11 is off

by a factor of 100.
As a result of the above major points I will not respond in any more
detail other than to state as I did in the cover letter that the discrepancy

to in one of our tables (see his discussion-Appendix B-LLL

Study) is the result of his using a draft copy which is not to be used by
someone who is not being updated on the draft.
an error of a factor of 10.

A table was printed with

This was pointed out to those people who were

supposed to be reviewing the paper and had "need to know” about the

A last commentThe final draft of our report, "Transuranic Dose Assessment at

Enewetak Atoll", includes the dose estimates for 238Pu and24! Am due to
grow-in from 24!Pu.

This addition has been planned all along although

the author of the report being reviewed

misusing a draft copy of our report.

didn't know that as a result of

Select target paragraph3