-° Again, just the cocount estimate is totally out of line.

If the

other two food products are included average daily caloric intake is 14,700

calories per day.

I venture to say that if this

were the true route of

consumption there would be no such thing as a small Marshallese.
In addition to our sources of estimating the average daily coconut intake
in our reports of 300 g of coconut fluid per day and 100 g coconut meat we
have more recent direct observations of Jan Naidu, of Brookhaven National

He has been living with people at both Rongelop and Uterik atolls

for 6 weeks at a time and has been eating the native diet.

His own

personal experience for average daily coconut intake is very near
our 400 g per day total (private communication Jim Naidu, BNL).
Ke further states that he has not observed a coconut intake anywhere
near that proposed in the Bramlitt draft and feels it would be physically
impossible to consume such a diet.
I think the total daily mass and calorie analyses I have gone


would indicate this to be the case.

The net result is that I feel the dose estimates based upon !37 Cs,
39Sr and transuranic intake via coconut are too high by an order of
magnitude based upon dietary intake alone.

Fe TT.



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