Mrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve Director a Office of Territorial Affairs FOL7BS July 19, 1979 F U.S. Department of Interior Washington, Dear Mrs. D.C. Van 20248 Cleve; Thank you for your letter of June 26, had in Washington June 13,1979” 1979 concerning the meeting we It appears to me that the notes you enclosed accurately describe the points discussed at the meeting. However, there is one minor correction and that is Mr. Tarlekebol went as Henchi Balos's staff member rather than a "“Bikini/Kili Council Member\' Also, pertaining to part 19 an page 5, the point that Mr. Wiespall made is that those people tested on Bikini by the Whole Body Counter may have been contaminated on Ronglap rather than Bikini. I am referring to internal contamination from local foods grwn on Ronglap. FEneu, Bikini and the southern islands of Ronglap are identical in radiation hackerroun levels (G) according to the latest'tRADIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE NORTHER MARSHALLS". Of the 156 people removed from Bikini 25 had heen living on Ronglap before they migrated to Bikini in 1975, This was about the time a sudden jump was noted in the Whole Body Counter tests at Bikini which was attributed to coconut trees becoming productive. ['m concerned that it may have been caused by the 25 people from Ronglap who had been ingesting radionuclides since 1957 when thev were returned to Ronglap. Their systens had the opportunity to accumulate radionuclides for 18 vears prior to their migration to Bikini. This brings up another question. Since Ronglap has more or the same level of Gama Rays being emitted as on Eneu (indicated by the 1978 RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY), why were the Ronglapese returned to their island 22 years ago and the Bikinians not allowed to return to [neu for another 25 years? Both Eneu and Ronglap were contaminated by the same have identical radiation levels. tests anil Is there a double standard used here? You will find enc¢ised a portion of the statistics I've compiled of the T hope this information people removed from Bikini in the Fall of 1979. Most official repor’ Clarifies part 10 and the latest Bikini relocation. I've seen, indicate that almost all removed from Bikini were Bikinian. The Rikini/Kili Council released a This is certainly not the case. not to return to Bikini until Bikinians all telling directive in 1972 certain questions and request were there as so do they authorized them to made to the T.T. nosed to anyone that were unresolved. living on Rikini without The Bikini/Kili Council was onptheir approval. That may exnla why so many people lining on Bikini werestnon-Bikinian and why all most a: removed did not go to Kili to live. ; It certainly was a pleasure seeing you again and an honer for me to atter All corresnondence the meeting held in your office June 13, 1979, to him. on passed heen has me through Tomaki to directed sincerely y saiaus ever | "er BEST COPYAVAILABLE