



Page 3, Line 12
Replace "bulk" with "majority."
Page 3, Line 18

Insert “by Mr. Mitchell" between "requested" and "to."
Page 3, Line 25
Typo - “believed"
Page 4, Line 7

Omit comma after "entitled."
Page 4, Line 9
Replace "for" with "to," and replace "adults" with “members."
Page 5, Line 20

Replace "...the radiation standards established by..." with "...the
radiation exposure limits recommended by..."
Page 6, Line 8

Insert "to" between "rise" and "that."
Page 7, Line 15
Typo - “earlier”
Page 7, Line 20, and Page 8, Line 17

"30-50 years" should be "30-65 years"
Page 7, Line 20

" ) sstrontium and cesium"
Page 7, Line 21

Suggest "...soil had resulted in potential radiation

exposure limits.”
levels which would be at least within the U.S.



Select target paragraph3