"The Committee agreed to a one time authorization of

$20 million to accomplish the cleanup.

The Department

is charged to accomplish the cleanup within that amount
using every possible economy measure.

The Committee

insists that radiation standards established by the
Energy Research and Development Agency be met before

any resettlement be accomplished.”

In hearings that gave risethat report, Mr. Mitchell, then
as now counsel for the people of Enewetak, supported the
above result,

at hearings of May 7,

1975 on H.R.


before the Subcommittee on Military Installations and



(page 162 - 165),




« ERDA has been, I think wisely conservative in

the standards that they have set.
So that the ultimate objective,
up program,
a danger,




the premise of the clean-

is that when it is done, there will not be

a risk,

for these people,

for the entire atoll.

I don't want these people to be endangered

at all.




. No danger to the people."

Similarly, when the Department of Interior's request for
rehabilitation and resettlement funds was under considera~
tion before your Subcommittee

on March 17,


there was


Select target paragraph3