executive branch also had a responsibility to report on
conditions at Enewetak Atoll to the people.

The Depart-

ment of Energy, accordingly, prepared a presentation which
was given tothe people of Enewetak at the meeting on Ujelang.
The presentation was given in Marshallese, slides were

and a booklet describing the conditions on Enewetak

Atoll was distributed tothe people.

The booklet, aneiviegg®

"Enewetak Atoll Today”, is in Marshallese and English and



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copies were provided éer all asettis of the community.
A copy of "Enewetak Atoll Today" is enclosed for the Committee's:

The Legal Counsel for the people of Enewetak and the independent consultants presented a risk assessment tothe people

at a closed session to which government representatives
were not invited.

Copies of the presentation given by

scientists retained by the Micronesian Legal Services
Corporation will be provided as soon as they are received

from the Legal Advisor for the people of Enewetak.
Engebi Resettlement
The consultants for the Micronesian Legal Services Corpor-

ation contend that the risks from living on Engebi Island
are so small as to be essentially insignificant.

In their

estimation, only approximately one additional cancer death
in the lifetime of the population would result, and they
believe that it might take five germrations before even one

Select target paragraph3