

“Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve


September 28, 1979

Although the data base for the potential exposure estimates is not yet
complete (e.g., the island of Lujor had not yet been factored into the
dose calculations), it is not expected that additional information will
substantively alter the exposure estimates; should this occur, however,
we will inmediately inform you.
The calculated radiation exposure levels for living only on Enewetak,
Medren and Japtan islands are:
Maximum Individual


with imported food

11 millirem/year

100 millirem-bone marrow
69 millirem-whole body

without imported food

24 millirem/year

220 millirem-bone marrow
120 millirem-whole body

If it is assumed that 15% of their time is spent on the northern islands,

and that 10% of their total intake of coconut meat/milk originates from
the coconut trees of the northeastern islands, the calculated radiation
exposure levels are:
Maximum Individual


with imported food

28 millirem/year

250 millirem-bone marrow
200 millirem-whole body

without imported food

5] millirem/year

460 millirem-bone marrow
270 millirem-whole body

For purposes of reference, it may be recalled that U.S. exposure criteria
Maximum exposure to an individual in any one year:

Integrated 30-year exposure level:

500 millirem

5000 millirem

Because of the uncertainties and assumptions which are inherent in deriving
radiation exposure estimates of this nature, the Atomic Energy Commission
Task Group report recommended the following exposure limits for planning
and cleanup purposes:
Maximum exposure to an individual in any one year:
Integrated 30-year exposure level:

4000 millirem

250 millirem

Select target paragraph3