The information therefore contained in the letter of May, 1979, was
identical to the information given on Kili in October, 1980.

The letter of May 15, 1979, then proceeds to explain, however, that if

the radiation exposure criteria recommended by the Atomic Energy
Commission in the Environmental Impact Statement for the cleanup, rehabilitation and resettlement of Enewetak Atoll (250 millirem per year to the
individual and 4,000 millirem over 30 years) were to be applied also to
resettlement at the Bikini Atoll

(i.e., Eneu Island), the situation would

warrant deferral of resettlement at Eneu for some years. This was stated
in the following paragraph from that letter, which you also quoted:
"The degree of uncertainty in estimating doses on Eneu [Island

is similar to that for Enewetak Atoll.

Assuming, therefore,

that Enewetak criteria are applicable to other similar

situations in the northern Marshall Islands, the dose esti-

mates for return of the Bikini people to Eneu Island would be

compared to the Enewetak criteria as described above rather
than to the FRC puidance. When this is done, it is found
that even with imported food the radiation doses to the
people on Eneu would not be expected to be in compliance with
the Enewetak criteria for about 20-25 years."

The content of this paragraph remains valid.
However, since the Enewetak criteria (which were conservative values

based upon uncertainties with respect to data and to personal living
habits) were recommendations by a

Task Group of the Atomic Energy

Commission to the Department of the Interior with respect to Enewetak
Atoll resettlement, and since these recommendations were not based

upon any regulatory authority, they were included in the letter as a

point of information to the Department of the Interior so that, if

they consider it appropriate, a consistent policy could be established.
Furthermore, the implications of such a policy also were identified.
Because the recommendations carry no regulatory authority, however, the
comparison of dose estimates for the return of the Bikini people to
Eneu or Bikini Islands with the recommended criteria for Enewetak was

omitted from the book, "The Meaning of Radiation at Bikini Atoll," as

it was omitted from the book, "The Enewetak Atoll Today," prepared in

The paragraph in Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve's letter of June 1, 1979, to
Magistrate Tomaki Juda, to which you make reference in your letter of
November 3, 1980, presumably was based upon the assumption that it would
be unrealistic to anticipate that the four conditions referred to above
(i.e., in our letter of May 15, 1979) could be assured for the next
20-25 years, particularly in light of the immediate past experiences at
Bikini Island.

Select target paragraph3