
a bailelle —

Pacific Northwest Laboratories
P.O. Box 999
Richland, Washington U.S.A. 99352

Telephone (509} 375-242
Telex 15-2874

December 29, 1980

Dr. Bruce W. Wachholz


Department of Energy
Office of Health and Environmental
Research, EV-21

GIN, E-201
Washington, DC


Dear Bruce:

I have just read Tommy's letter to Bill Robison giving his concern

about the diet assumptions used in the dose assessment.
I share
Tommy's concerns. The actual diets of the people under conditions

of imported food and no imported food are indeed vague because they

have never been determined in a scientific way. This could cause
eventual problems with the dose assessments and the Bikini experience

could be repeated.

Knowing Mitchell's interests I think use of his diet values could
be difficult to defend.
If Bill revises the dose estimates based on new information or
assumptions about diets or using some of Tommy's suggestions,

the dose assessment pages of the Enewetak and Bikini books could

and should be revised.

With-bkest regards,


Jd. Bair, Ph.D.


Environment, Health and
Safety Research Program

WJB: 1m

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