High Commissioner





and bad,



We have guilt.



Here, and at home with the Indians.

Permit me the

There are inequities in a free society, but on balance of good

the American Indians have achieved a lot.

And through representa-~

tion you have representatives ta bring problems to me, to the United States,

to President Kabua.
problems together.
problem to solve.

Reasonable men can sit down and discuss and try to solve
[| don't want to tell you what to do.
You have a simple

The book tells you that

in order to return you would have

to follow certain restrictions.
Through your democratic framework you must
decide if you want to go, and how many will go.
Historically money ruins
societies, it does not do good.

Statement :
If we're not returned to Eneu, please don't put a helicopter pad here
(at Kili). Ufthey don't follow me don't give them a helicopter.

48 ero Joel):
We were assured help from the United States when we moved off of Bikini
from Ejit) and-went to Ejit.
t can’t put my finger on any help we have received.
A(Gordon Law):
What help have you specifically requested?
1! think of houses, food.
| don't think you've been denied help, though perhaps some requests haven't
reached us.

Statement(Bero :

I've made my needs known, and haven't seen the results.

A{Gordon Law):
if you give me specific items and dates,
24 hours.

| will check them out within

Comment (Sero :
| thought we would get kerosene and matches and soap, and all we got
were houses.
(The following list was pravided to Scott Stege by the people
on Ejit, through Bero Joel:








6. Power plant/electrical delivery system

School building


Matresses, sleeping mats


Majuro/Ejitwalkie talkie system )

8. Copra cart

itatement(J. :
In summary, it is clear that for severa) years and sti}! today Bikini
people are divided.
Some want to go to Eneu today, and others want to stay

on Kili regardless of safety.

There are some who desire Eneu if the results

of DOE are confirmed.
Others want to stay on Ejit.
We want to proceed on
the following assumptions:
(1) That some people want to return, and that
it will be helpful to get actua)] numbers. These numbers may not be avail- .
able until after the independent scientist evaluates DOE's assessments.
(2) We need to look at anticipated master planning while Gordon Law is here.
(3) We should also discuss what's involved in making permanent plans. for -

Eneu and Kili as to timing.

At this point Gordon Law asked that we take a break and come back and
talk about master planning. When the group returned, Gordon Law listed on
large pieces of paper his concept of planning with the Bikinians.


Select target paragraph3