High Commissioner




itatement(G. :
From a personal perspective, | certainly have no intent to contest or
dispute the will of the Counci).
However, the monumental decision you are

about to undertake is now being left to an individual we don't even know
and that doesn't help us decide today. You have twice rejected the scientist
proposed to you.
! want to act now.
Obviously, this is your decision, so
I must make two decisions:
(I) If your scientist says the DOE report is

bad, then | must plan accordingly.

is OK,

(2) If your scientist says the DOE

| plan accordingly, although |! don't know what that will be.

My responsibility is to do something for you as soon as possible.


closing, if it is your desire to take advantage of my time here, { am willing
to work with Senator Balos, Magistrate Tomaki, High Commissioner's Representative Scott Stege, and Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum of the Marshalls
Government to discuss these problems.
itatement(J. :
ft has been difficult in the past working with the independent
scientist concept, and the Bikinians haven't been certain what kind they


Two Americans were picked, but some felt they wanted a Japanese.

Meeting last night, there was an overwhelming vote to have an American
scientist review and assess survey results, so shortly I, Henchi, etc.,
will meet in Washington and review.
If the scientist reviews and agrees and
recommends you can return, how many would want to go back?
MGordon Law):
If six weeks from now your independent scientist agrees that returning
is OK and Jibas asks "how many will go with me'', how many wish to go?

myself, believe in my colleagues’ information and assume your scientist
will agree as well.
{ff so, how many will want to follow Jibas?

Q(Taro Lokobol): If we go back and we or our children are harmed in thfecy years or
whenever, can we look to the United States to compensate us?

\(Gordon Law):

Okay. (Stege notes)

Yes, you can look to us for aid.(Judy Knape notes)

3(Taro Lokobol): Could we have the signature of the U.S. President or a memorandum . of


A(Gordon Law):

A memorandum of understanding binds two parties.

| ‘believe if people

follow the restrictions set forth in the book ! don't have to worry about
your children, and won't need to help.


Please explain further what is meant by the memorandum binding two
parties. Are there rules for us to abide by?

A(Gordon Law):

{ would like them to follow rules, but | can't enforce that.


Q(Tomaki Juda}:

1! would like to ask DOE if it is true that when you monitor and take

A(Roger Ray):

Yes, in the past we have paid individuals for the inconvenience of

¥(Tomaki Juda):

tf payment is not for samples, is there a value to the samples, and

is tegislation that covers your children and future generations, known as
the Burton Bill.

blood from a person you pay them $10.00 per person each time?

going from their home elsewhere to be examined, but that payment was not
for blood samples, it was for the inconvenience and food and taxis, etc.

could you consider paying for persons who give their life's blood?


Select target paragraph3