there is a probability of appreciable homogeneity concerning the

distribution of the dose within the population included in the

Third, "When the size of the population group under

consideration is sufficiently large, consideration must be given to
the contribution to the genetically significant population dose.


Federal Radiation Council...recommends the use of the Radiation
Protection Guide of 5 rem in 30 years...for limiting the average

genetically significant exposure of the total U.S. population.


use of 0.17 rem per capita per year, as described (above) as a
technique for assuring that the basic Guide for individual whole
body dose is not exceeded, is likely in the immediate future to assure

that the gonadal exposure Guide is not exceeded."9
body dose is considered to be the equivalent of the

Therefore, the whole

significant dose.
Because of the absence of radiation protection guides specific
for the Marshall Islands, criteria were developed from the basic
Federal guidance for evaluating land use options for use in planning

the cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak Atol1.+°

These criteria

are presented here since they were developed subsequent to the decision
regarding the cleanup and rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll.

It was


8See Note 4, p. 27.

9See Note 4, p. 27.
l0cleanup, Rehabilitation, Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll ~ Marshall
Islands, Environmental Impact Statement, Defense Nuclear Agency,
April 1975.

Select target paragraph3