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Bikini redevelopment and re-settlement plans require continued residence

on Killi by half or more of the present population of that island until
the economic environment on Bikini’ can support a larger population than
will be possible until newly planted coconut trees begin to produce. It

is also likely that there will remain on Killi a "colony" of Bikinians.

Therefore improvement of facilities on Killi is required at an estimated

cost of $100,000.

This will include improvement of the dispensary, school,

water catchment, warehousing, etc.

For planning purposes it is hoped to

get some work on Killi under way in FY-70 and to complete improvements
in FY-71.



FY-71 = $16,700
Ujelang is inhabited by approximately 350 islanders, descendants or
relatives of the original group moved from Eniwetok. The Ujelang people
have been hopeful of returning to Eniwetok but have been told this will not
be possible in the foreseeable future. Ujelang coconut trees were planted
in German times many years ago. They are beyond the age of maximum production. A program of replanting and thinning and rat control has been.
started, However, housing, water catchment, dispensary, school and other
facilities need immediate improvement, at an estimated cost of $80,000.

FY-70 = $66,700
FY-71 = $13,300

Select target paragraph3