5. In order to provide for the effective coordination of
civil defense planning activities with other activities of the

National Military Establishment-(a)

The Office of Civil Defense Plaming will:

Keep all agencies of the National Military


Advise the Joint Chiefs of Staff with respect

Establishment generally apprised of its plans and

to the possible effect of civil defense problems, or

plans for oivil defense, on matters coming within the
cognizance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;


Inform the Mmitions Board from time to time

of the requirements for materials and manpower in the

conduct of a civil defense program in time of war;


Advise the Research and Development Board of any

problems relating to civil defense in which research and
development programs should be undertaken.

(b) The Joint Chiefs of Staff will provide the Office of
Civil Defense Planning with general guidance on the probable
character of any future war as it might affect the formulation

of a program for civil defense, including (1) its views as

to those tasks which could and should be performed by a civil

defense organization and those for which military forces would

be required, (2) its appraisal of the probable extent and

character of damage as a result of enemy action, and of those

areas or activities which would be the most likely targets
thereof, end (3) its views concerning the relation of a civil
defense program to the military defense of the United States;

The Research and Development Board will keep the


The Munitions Board will advise the Office of Civil

office of Civil Defense Planning apprised of any progress in
the field of research and development which may affect the
preparation of plans for a civil defense progran;
Defense Planning of any anticipated shortages in materials and
manpower which might affect the formulation of a civil defense




(e) The Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy
Commission will provide the Office o1' Civil Defense Planning

Select target paragraph3