
To the extent which is possible and desirable before

the actual adoption of the permanent program of civil defense


referred to in (a) above, and consistent with the probable

character of any such program:


To initiate interim measures which may seem

necessary or appropriate in furtherance of an adequate
system of civil defense;

(2) To provide the several states end their subdivisions with guidance and assistance in civil defense

matters; and

To furnish necessary information and assistance

of the federal Government, and to private individuals
or organizations concerned with civil defense matters.



on civil defense matters to the departments and agencies
of the National Military Establishment, to other agenoies



To draft any legislation required to implement the

civil defense program developed under (a) above.

3. In formating plens for a civil defense program and
in preparing implementing legislation therefor, the following
factors are to be taken into account:


The various situations which might be created in


The tasks to be performed in order adequately to

communities of the United States as a result of an eneny
handle the various situations developed under (a) above;

(c) The extent to which each of the tasks developed
under (b) above could and should be performed by a civil

defense organization, and the extent to which they should be
performed by military forces (both regular and reserve);


The extent to which those taske which should be

performed by a civil defense organization (as developed under (c)
ebove) should be carried out, supervised or controlled by the

federal Government, and the extent to which they should be
undertaken by states or their subdivisions;


From the standpoint of assuring the coordinated and

adequate performance by all groups of the tasks developed

under (b) above, the most effective forms of organizational
and working relationships:


Select target paragraph3