For apv.vximately 30 months affian_,

together with his

wife and seven children lived in the interior of Blkink Island
at the place marzed in the aerial photograph attached hereto

with a red "x" in Janai Weto, where external gamma radiation is
between 65 and 75 microroentgens per hour.
Affiant and his family consumed well water and ate locally
available foods as well as imported foods.
Affiant and his family consumed bananas, potatoes, papayas,
pandanus, coconut, and fish, all from Bikini Island.

Conard, when he made studies at Bikini in 1974, took

urine samples from affiant and his wife, but not from any of their
Aside from the urine samples, no other tests were adminis-~tered to affiant or his family.
Affiant now knows that he and his family,

like others

who have lived or are living at Bikini, has been salaced at risk
by exposure to radiation and that to understand the extent of ex-

Dr. Conard knew, whan urine samples were taken from

By that time

(late 1974)

Dr. Conard reasonably must have

known o£ the probability of extremely high raciation risk to affiant
and nis family.
Nevertheless neither Dr.

Conard nor any other S20A or

AZO physician furnished affiant or his family with appropriate
exanination or care.
Affiant has no confidence in Dr. Coaard or othar ENdaMP2 health care oersonael.

AfFiant believes ne and his

andl others who have been placed at risk on Bikini



Island should

Select target paragraph3