

if one million workers were exposed from aye 18

at the current 5 ren/year limit, between 3,600 and 90,000

identified serious genetic disease and a significant
increase of ill-health would show up in the progeny of
these workers,

assuming an averaye of 2 children per worker.

The increased incidence in ill-health would be equivalent to
between 63 and 603 of the incidence in a vopulation of 1
million, e.g.,

the first generation.

This genetic risk can

be comcared with the somatic risk to the workers


Taus, an individual worker exsosea at 5 ren/year from 18 to

The genetic risk is different in that t5



efiect is

suffcrea not by the workers but by their offcoring and by
Future generations.
cenotic risk

AS a consecuence, One can argue that the

sacwtd be aiven more weieht beczuse it is not

essumed by thea woreer but involuntarily by their ofisrpring



the bialegical daca

Select target paragraph3