


cations of the exposure limits and an analysis of the reduced
risk associated with these new limits.

In the final section,

we Shall indicate how these requested reductions relate
to the recommendation and suggestions of the ICRP, NCRP,. and
the NAS Committee on the Genetic Effects of Atomic Radiation.


Radiation Induced Risk at the Existing Occunational

Whole Body Dose Limit

The latest and most comprehensive review of the
biological effects of radiation on man is the NAS's 1972 BZIR


The BEIR Committee reviewed bothn the somatic and

genetic risk associated with exsosure to low levels of ionizing

We shall discuss fixvst the somatic and then the


Table 1 summarizes the 3EIR Resort estimate of the excess
annual cancer and leukemia deaths par million peovle assuning
whole vo@y exposure to 5 rem/yaear


(the current occurcational



NAS~BEIR Report, on.

cit., p.l70.

Select target paragraph3