were left over the side as far remov

rompersonnel os possible, Repeated

hoaings with selt water reduced their intensity from 125 to 30 milli roentgens

per hour (gamma only).

On 4 March 1954, decontamination workgon the port gun sponsons ws completed,

The methods used were similar to those
loyed on the starboard side, At the
completion of the days work the average deck intensity on the port sponsons wos 7

willi roentgen per hour (gamma only),

The hot spots were ventilation duct screens

and one cocoa mat fendcr, which had avcrage readings of 30 milli roentgen per

hour (garre only). The vent screens were removed, placed on deck and scrubbed
which reduced their intensity to 15 milli*rocntgon per hour (ganma ortly).






The average intensity on the hanger deck at 1600, 4 Harch 1954 ws 2,7 milli

rocntgen per hour (gamma only). Decontanination efforts on this deck consisted

mainly of swabbing up weter which leaked through the roller curtain doors during
hosing down operctions on the weether decks, The average intensity in berthing

spaces below the hangir deck ws less thag 2 milli roentgen per hour (gamma only)

6, Decortomiretion efforts of 40 MN guns and gun directors were of minor nature,
Exposed gun barrels, gun carri.ges, and diroctor pedestals were scrubbed with »
foap and water and wiped down with fresh wter, Contaminctaon ims highest in the

totton of the empty brass shutes under the elovation goar racks, The average
reading vas § milli rocntgen per hour (garma only) and the highcst ws 10 milli
roentacn per hour (gamma only) on mount 45 which wes uncovered during the periog

of fall out, The reminder of the work necessary on the guns and gun directors
was routine seintenance to remove corrosive salt doposits,


While at anchor in BIKINI ..7OLL th intensity reading on the salt water

piping system did not exceocd 2 nilli rocntgen per hour (gemma only),

on 8 March

1954, the evaporator drain pomp striiners were opened on all four eviporators,

The intensity roading of the senle accitulations wos found to be 5 milli roentgen
e ali fresh witcr samples from the ovaporctors testcd by Task
per hour (garna
Group 7.1 have shown 1/5000 wierc curries por milliliter or less,


Deccntamin:tion of the ship ims considercd completed at the end of the day on

4 KRareh 1954,

Decontamin.tion of hslicopters and personnel continues as reguired.

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