severity from each Shot than that at ground sero from s 20 KT atomic bomb
detonated «t a 2000~ft. height. The shelter successfully withstood the

individusl and cumulative blast overloadings with light to moderate obser~

vable damage. Final evaluation d radiation, pressure and displacement
measurements will furnish valuable data for future consideration with
respect to gamma radiation, reflected atatic pressures from shock fronts,

and dynamic overpressures, or wind drag, inside the shelter and their

effects on occupants.


The data obtained from this test will be made available to the FCuA
for review amd study, and ita applicability to civil defense practices for

protective measures. (End of Confidential)
Instrumsnt Loan Program (Unclassified)

instruments were provided for FCOA fer use in the three touring
exhibits, the "Alert Americas Convoye.* These conwys have been prepared
and are operated by the Valley forge Foundation for FCDA.

Effect of <-radiation on Chromosome Breakare.
Recent studies at Brockhaven include the effecta of X-radiation on
various plants. In experinenting with a lily, as a typical plant, an
interesting reaction was noticed. Chromosome fragnentation oceurs most
frequently if the radiation is clven when the dividing cells are at the
diplotens stage, immediately preceding the actual division of the cell

nucleus. It nas been found that mucleic acid (DMA) is actively synthesized
up to that time, and then remains constant. Thus it is believed that
chromosome breakage, or mutation, 1s associated with DHA synthesis, even
though this is not the only factor in radiosensitivity.

Protective chemicals to living cells.

The protective action of certain chemicale againat irradiation damage

to living ceils continues to be a subject of aajor interest at ORNL.


oxyzen concentration ia directly related to death by I-irradlation, and most
ghenicals which give increased orotection against radiation damage are oxidigable compounds. Hecant work has shown how this protective action results.
It is showm that these protective chemicals remove oxygen from within and
around bacterial cells, and this decreases the concentration of toxic substances formed by the action of X-rays,
Radiation Instruments Catalog,

Preparation of the 1952 edition of the Radiation Instruments Catalog
has been initiated. The new issue will be about one tiird the present size
and will represent a considerable savings in publication costs and an

improvement in format.




Select target paragraph3