& prototype shelter was designed by the Civil. Defense Lioison Branch
end was Nestedduring Operation Buster in the fail ef 1951s In the design
of the shelter primary consideration wes given to simplicity and economy
ci! te optim calvace value.

tn order to sbtein maximum teat date to support thecretical design

the shelter was built in teo sections, eash of different material and
chectraaters comeieted Olen wrruetivumess, Ofouch. Specitically,
the structure consiated of:

(a) 2h feet (3 S-£t lengths)ef 90-inch (I.D.)ealvert pipe of
standard centrifagally span reinforced eonsyete, with a

poured-in-nlace reinforced concrete rasp entrance; and

(bo) 2h feet (4 ft lengths) of 90-inch (I.D.} qulvert pipe of
standard 10 gauge ingot iren corrugated multislate, with a
10 gauge corrugated mitinlate and structural steel ranp

These materials were joined at the center to form a 48-foot long

shelter covered with 3 feet and 3 feet whee eB sareone, thn stometere

and metal pipe respectively, with a capacity of 48 persons. Tes
was located 800 feet from ground sere of shots Baker, Charlie, and Deg, and
&greater diatance from Shot Easy, of Operation Buster, hots Charlie and
Dog exposed it te estimated blast, radiation, asd tiermal effects of greater
we Je Taylor, Chairean (UBS physicist), MoM. Sith, dr., (OREL, author

of reports), "Sdward Teller (LASL theoretioal physicist), soseph KXaplan

(UCLA geophysicist), Leo Marinelli (48% radiologist aad
Col, Senjamin Holaman (USAF metecrologist), Sterling Hendricks UDA soil

expert), Wiliiem Urry and Donald Rock (AFOAT~1), Shields Warren (Dir. Si).

This group wae assisted by Dr. Sverre Petterssm eof AirWeather Service

and staff menbers of Iivision of Mology art Redisine, Militery Application,

and Reactor Development.



Select target paragraph3