Delta (Utah), 2nd Idaho Palle (Idsho). The higheet Values of activity
‘in the alr were found at Elko, where 0.13 sicrocurie per cubic meter of air
was observed about 3 hours after the sarface shot. The twenty-four hour
average wae about 0.003 microcurie per cubie aster. The safe level agreed
upon by the Feasibility Committee (July report) was 1.0 microcurie per
cubic meter, Hence observed levels failed te approach permissible levels.
In addition to the above close-in monitoring of fall-out primarily
for safety reasons, a country-wide monitering program was alao in effect
through the coordinating activities of the Health and jafety Division, HYoo,

and the cooperation of AEC laboratories end contractors and the Weather

Bureau. Results of this stuly will be reported later, but none of the
observations indicated hazardous levels of radioactivity anywhere in the


ee. Analysie of sellsamples écllected frou

the fali-cout from the
and underground
ahp at the Negada Test
Site has provided useful data for the evaluation
‘the over-all health
hasards of atomic explosions. Deposition ef radioactive particles on the
land and absorption by plants is the begimning of a wajor pathoay for uptake
by man of fiseion products and induced redinactive elenents.
Additional samples of the dirt and fused glass of sodium, potaseiun
and calcium silicates around the surfase sitearater have also been collected.

This material has been sent to the ARC project at the U. 3. Department of

Agricalture at Beltsville, Maryland for ehesical and particle size analysis
and for studying its rate of uptake by plants growing in various soils.
Mimate particles of the fused soil constitute an appreciable portion of the
radicective dust eloud and it is desirable to know ite solubility and rate of
olubilisation on various soils, especially eastern acid ones. Previous test
of the fall-out en the scfl from around the ald Alemegordo test crater in New
Mexico had indicated that the radioactivity was taken up by the plants very
slowly over a period of several years,

However, the western desert soil has

an alkaline character while eastern seils are predominantly acid, It ia
known that glasa silicates are many times more soluble in slightly acid solu-


Therefore, it is desirable to obtain more information on the rate

at which radioactive fall-eut will be absorbed by plants from dust fros an
underground? explosion.

Senet gt loneneonge sttecta.| the soy
or tenement acre
ects which
large mamber ofatomic basbs was begun
several years &go. During the past few months, the question was again
jected to careful seruting in the light of newinform
ormation gleaned from
recent bosb tests, and a revised report was prepared. In November, this
report and the various questions of climatalogy, feli-cut and bislogical

may result from the detonation o

effects of bomb debris were carefully considered by an ef hoo committee of
ad “a ry





tees |


Select target paragraph3